

What is Central Methodist University's FAFSA school code?

这张资讯图像 will help you determine which parent(s) to include on the FAFSA. 如有其他问题,可致电经济援助办公室( 660-248-6245),或直接电邮至 finaid@zzxhuiyuan.com.

To be eligible for federal aid you must be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民, registered with Selective Service (if required), 追求学位, 取得令人满意的学业进步, and not in default on an educational loan. 才有资格获得联邦贷款, 你必须注册至少一半的时间(每学期六个学分或更多) .

Are there outside websites 了解更多信息 about 金融援助?

Many families mistakenly believe they don't qualify for aid, 阻止自己接受他们可能有资格获得的援助. 除了, 援助是有来源的, 如无资助贷款及本科生家长贷款(PLUS), 不论收入高低. FAFSA是免费的. It does not obligate the student or the parent in any way. 没有理由不申请.


根据免费申请联邦援助(FAFSA)提供的信息, our 金融援助 Counselor will determine eligibility. 一旦学生的助学金资格被确定,他们就可以在myCMU上查看他们的助学金. 在学生的助学金最终确定之后, 学生将收到一封电子邮件,告知他们需要接受或拒绝他们的援助. The financial aid can be found on the student's myCMU account, 在Student选项卡下, 然后点击“经济援助”, 然后接受/拒绝援助. Choose the Academic Year, then click on View 金融援助. Follow the instructions and then hit submit to complete the process. Students do not have to accept all aid offered. 记住:贷款是必须偿还的.

Students can view estimated financial aid on their myCMU account. 财政援助办公室需要的任何文件都将被显示. 有关援助状况的进一步问题可以联系财政援助办公室.

How can I get an estimate of my federal aid situation?
财政援助估算员 will give you an estimate of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). It will also give you an estimate of your financial need. 这两项都是联邦和州政府发放援助的基础.

When is a student considered independent?
A student is considered independent if: age 24 before January 1st of the award year; married; working on a master’s or doctorate program; serving on active duty or a Veteran of the US Armed Forces; have dependent(s) other than a spouse for whom they provide more than 50% of the support; orphans or wards of a court; an emancipated minor; in legal guardianship; or homeless. 如果学生是独立的,但有条件,可以作为一个独立的学生, the student should contact the Director of Financial Assistance. 例如,一个被监禁的父母,学生无法接触到他, 或者是家庭暴力.

According to state and federal regulations, 所有申请联邦和/或州财政援助的学生必须在学位课程中保持令人满意的学术进步,才能获得联邦和/或州的资金. 欲知详情,请参阅 学业进步标准.

What will happen if I withdraw from all classes?
如果决定退学,学生应完成正式的退学程序. 费耶特校区的学生需要见位于学习和教学中心的学生成功主任. 参加扩展校区的学生应该见他们的指导老师,并通过他们的myCMU完成在线退出表格. 退出可能会影响财政援助,并可能导致部分或全部联邦援助被归还给联邦政府. 欲知详情,请参阅 回到第四章基金.

是的, 如果学生和/或家庭有不寻常的情况,如非自愿失业, 父母和/或配偶死亡, unusually high medical and/or dental expenses, 离婚或分居, 或者其他改变学生经济状况的意外事件. 学生应提交收入减少表和所有要求的文件到财政援助办公室. 财政援助主任将审查这些信息,并确定是否可以对学生的援助进行任何调整. 不能保证学生的经济援助会有任何调整. 在提交所需文件后的30天内,将作出专业判断.


学生必须先完成 FAFSA. 在FAFSA被处理后, CMU将审查结果,并通过发送电子邮件通知学生如何接受/拒绝经济援助,通知学生贷款资格. Returning students can review their results on myCMU. All students must apply for Federal Direct loans by completing 入学咨询 和一个 主本票.  入学咨询 will review basic facts about loans, 管理教育费用, and rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower.   如果学生已经在其他机构完成了主本票或入学咨询, 而且它们还没有过期, the student does not need to complete them again for CMU.

There are limits on how much can be borrowed each academic year. 学生可能并不总是有资格获得最高直接贷款金额或补贴贷款. Please refer to the following for current loan limits:

Freshman (0-29 hours) = $5,500/year, up to $3,500 subsidized
Sophomores (30+hours) = $6,500/year, up to $4,500 subsidized
Students (60+ hours) = $7,500/year, up to $5,500 subsidized
最高贷款总额= 31,000美元,补贴不超过23,000美元

Freshman (0-29 hours) = $ 9,500/year, up to $3,500 subsidized
Sophomores (30+hours) = $10,500/year, up to $4,500 subsidized
Students (60+ hours) = $12,500/year, up to $5,500 subsidized
最高贷款总额= 57,500美元,补贴不超过23,000美元

请注意:学生可能并不总是有资格获得最高贷款金额. 独立学生最多可以借到31美元,000加上额外的无补贴贷款金额,加上拒绝. 这些学生作为本科生仍然受限于57,500美元的总限额.

All Students = $20,500/year, subsidized is not available
最高贷款总额= 138,500美元,补贴不超过65,500美元
注:2012年7月1日以后,研究生不再有资格获得补贴贷款. 研究生总限额包括本科学习的直接贷款.

如果学生在秋季和春季学期接受了他们的全部贷款限额, no loan eligibility will be available for summer. 根据在博彩平台推荐就读的费用和收到的其他援助,学生可能没有资格获得学年限制.

补贴贷款是基于完成的学时/学年(大一、大二等).)和已证明的需求. 无补贴贷款也是基于完成的学时/学年, 但这不是一个基于需求的项目. 需要填写完整的FAFSA. 补贴贷款的利息在你在校期间延期支付,在你毕业六个月后开始偿还,或者在入学时间低于半期时开始偿还. Unsubsidized loans have the same repayment time frames, but the interest starts to accrue at the time of disbursement. 学生可以选择随时支付利息,也可以选择延期支付,并将其纳入本金.


参观 联邦学生援助网站 for current and historical federal student loan interest rates.

How many hours do I have to be enrolled to qualify for a Direct loan?
本科生必须注册至少一半的本科学时,才有资格获得直接贷款. Enrollment will be verified at the end of the f国税局t week of classes. 如果一个学生在学期中退了全部或部分课程, 学生可能需要偿还全部或部分获得的经济援助.

When and how will I receive my Direct Loan Funds?
Direct Loan funds will distribute directly to CMU. Loan money will be used f国税局t to pay tuition and fees. 如果有剩余的资金,商务办公室将根据学生的要求开具退款支票. 新生或转学生在退款前将有30天的贷款资金保留. CGES students will receive two equal loan disbursements per semester.

报名时间一经确认, 商务办公室将开始处理已收到经济援助并有资格退款的学生的退款. 学生可以在myCMU上查看他们的“学生账单对账单”,看看他们的账户上是否有信用,是否有资格退款. Refund checks are mailed to the address on file; please make sure to update your address before classes begin.

贷款金额的一小部分由政府保留,作为违约费和发债费. 违约费用于创建准备金,以便在借款人拖欠贷款的情况下保护贷款计划. 发起费是一种处理费. 因此,学生实际收到的将是奖励金额减去费用. The origination fees on subsidized and unsubsidized loan are 1.069%和4.附加贷款的276%.

What if I change my mind after I have applied for loans?
学生可以书面通知财政援助办公室取消全部或部分贷款. 每当学生的账户被记入贷款款项时,CMU将通知学生. 此通知将不早于CMU将学生帐户记入学分前30天,也不迟于将学生帐户记入学分后30天发出. 学生可以取消全部或部分贷款,但必须在通知发出之日起14天内通知CMU. If the loan has not been disbursed, students may cancel it at any time.

How do I find out how much I've borrowed so far?
The 联邦学生援助网站 is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for federal student loans.  The 联邦学生援助网站 provides borrowers with a centralized, integrated view of their federal student loans.  To view your federal loan and grant history please visit the 联邦学生援助网站 并使用您的FSA ID登录.

还款开始于学生毕业后6个月或入学时间低于半学期. 标准还款计划要求学生每月根据本金和利息支付固定金额, 但每月不少于50美元或已累积的利息.

Are there any penalties for early repayment?
There are never early payment penalties for federal student loans.

如果直接贷款不能提供足够的资金来满足我的教育需求, 还有什么可用的??
受抚养人的父母, 注册至少一半时间的本科生可能有资格获得家长PLUS贷款. The PLUS loan is available without regard to financial need; however, 父母必须是美国公民. The PLUS loan is based on credit-worthiness. Families can apply for the PLUS with a FAFSA on file. The parents are responsible for repaying the loan. 除非另有要求,还款将在贷款全部支付后60天开始. 利率固定在6英镑.84%.

  1. 完成PLUS请求流程
  2. 完成一张主本票
  3. PLUS贷款资料表

If a parent is denied a 家长 PLUS Loan due to credit reasons, 学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴直接贷款资金.

有时联邦学生和家长贷款不足以支付所有的教育费用. 出于这个原因, students may consider applying for a private, 可作为支付大学费用的补充资源的替代贷款. Alternative 贷款 are unlike Direct or PLUS loans, 因为它们需要单独的应用程序, 信用检查, 并且可能需要一个共同签署人. A variety of privately funded loans are offered. 访问CMU的FastChoice网站 了解更多信息.


核实是确认学生和/或家长在FAFSA上报告的信息是准确的过程. 申请将由中央处理系统或学校审核. 被选中进行验证的学生在其信息被财务援助主任验证之前不能获得经济援助.

What do I do if I am chosen for verification?
If your application was selected for verification, 财政援助办公室将要求提供其他文件. 你的经济援助将保持估计,直到所有必要的文件已经提交给财政援助办公室和财政援助主任核实你的信息. The most common required documents for verification are:

  1. 所得税文件-学生和家长(如果学生是受抚养人)都需要纳税申报表。. 请注意,收到国税局的税务记录可能需要6-8周的时间.):
    1. 在线- www.国税局.政府
    2. 电话- 800-908-9946
    3. 邮寄- 国税局4506T-EZ表
  2. 验证工作表:在myCMU的“财务援助文件跟踪”下找到
  3. 逐项工作表:如果需要,可以在myCMU财务援助文件跟踪中找到. (当家庭调整后的总收入低于FAFSA提供的收入年度的美国贫困指南时需要)

Other documents may also be requested as needed.  Students may view their documents needed on their myCMU, 在“经济援助”标签下, then View 金融援助 Document Tracking tab.

所有验证材料必须提交给助学金办公室. 助学金不会被添加到学生的帐户,直到收到更新的FAFSA和更正的信息.  学生应及时上交所有文件,以便有足够的时间审查和更新必要的信息, 收到更新的FAFSA, and subsequently add aid the student’s account. 助学金将被添加到学生的帐户,直到上课的最后一天, as long as the updated correct FAFSA is available. Note that if changes are necessary to the FAFSA, it can take up to 5 business days to receive an updated FAFSA.


  1. 在线- www.国税局.政府
  2. 电话- 800-908-9946
  3. 邮寄- 国税局4506T-EZ表


在学生的助学金最终确定之后, 学生将收到一封电子邮件,告知他们需要接受或拒绝他们的援助. 一旦学生的助学金资格被确定,他们就可以在myCMU上查看他们的助学金. The financial aid can be found on the student's myCMU account, 在Student选项卡下, 然后点击“经济援助”, 然后接受/拒绝援助. Choose the Academic Year, then click on View 金融援助. Follow the instructions and then hit submit to complete the process. Students do not have to accept all aid offered. 记住:贷款是必须偿还的. Available on the on the 金融援助 Awards is a link to the 学生的权利和责任. 请注意:助学金将不会支付,直到学生完成这一步.


How to sign up for a Book Voucher on your myCMU Account

How to look up your Balance Due on myCMU

How to withdraw from a non-Fayette class

How to set-up a payment plan through myCMU